Hornsby Shire Climate Action Group

Hornsby Shire Climate Action
Addressing climate change with local action
Our community group 'Hornsby Shire Climate Action' is dedicated to working towards a future where human induced climate change is mitigated as much as possible.
We are focused on lobbying for better climate policy, as well as working with the community to reduce our carbon footprint.
What we are working on

NO to gas and YES to renewables!
Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is a dirty polluting fuel that will hold us back from meeting crucial climate targets. CSG leaks methane directly into the atmosphere from wellheads, pipelines and compressor stations.
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas 86 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years. Measurements from gasfields in the
US show an apparent methane leakage rate of 5-10% - and anything greater than 3% makes gas even worse for our climate than coal.
We need to tell our state representative Matt Kean to say NO to Gas! To do this, we must unite and let him know we won't accept anything less than a complete transition to renewable technology.
We are working with Lock the Gate for this campaign.

Lobbying State and Federal Government
We will focus on encouraging better policy for;
-reducing/eliminating deforestation
-better energy policy
We also have workshops to give people the skills and confidence to do this

Lobbying local council to divest from fossil fuels
Focus; removing money from banks that invest in coal, oil and natural gas projects. Market Forces states the four major banks have collectively funded $70 billion dollars into these projects since 2008. Divesting supports transitioning to renewable energy and sends a powerful message that this issue is significant enough to influence financial decisions, inspiring others to do the same.
We have already helped by getting council to agree to a workshop that will investigate how this can be implemented. The result of this will help us plan the next step.

Outings and Workshops
We encourage community participation to educate and up-skill people, empower individuals and have a lot of fun together!
-Bushwalks with a biologist and ecologist guide
-Clean ups
-Tree planting
-Divesting from fossil fuels. Why and How?
-Permaculture (to be determined)

Book Club
We are starting a bookclub! Every two months, a book will be selected about solutions to the climate emergency. This will encourage broader reading into the situation while giving us a fun excuse to meet up and chat about positive solutions to this issue.
The first book is ‘On fire’ by Naomi Klein.
‘In frank, personal terms, she shows us how the only way forward out of a polluted world of our own making is only through policy reform - a concrete set of actions to combat the mounting threat of total environmental catastrophe. What's needed, she argues, is something with radical verve and guaranteed protections: in other words, a New Deal.’
We are all in this together!